Membership in organization

Overview of Organization Membership

In the Belong platform, organizations manage their memberships. Membership is a relationship between an Organization and a Person. Users of the platform can apply to become members of these organizations. Memberships serve three main purposes:

Organizations have the flexibility to manage their memberships entirely on the Belong platform or simply use it to present a public list of members. Organizations have an option to display members list on their own webpage over API.

Membership Visibility

Public View

When a membership is in the 'accepted' status:

Private View

A membership page is accessible only to organization administrators and the member.

Membership Statuses

Memberships can have various statuses, each indicating a different stage or state of the membership relationship:

Membership Invitations

There are two ways to become a member of an organization:

Deletion Scenarios

Memberships Cannot Be Deleted

Once created, memberships cannot be deleted; only their statuses can be changed.

User Account Deletion

If a user deletes their account and they have an 'accepted' membership, organization administrators will be notified, and the membership will be deleted.

Organization Deletion

An organization can be deleted only when there are no 'accepted' memberships. When the organization is deleted, all related memberships are also deleted.

Organization Administrator Account Deletion

If an administrator account is deleted:

Membership-Related Pages

Organization Page Tabs

My Dashboard